
Caddington ward covers the six parishes of Hyde, Slip End, Caddington, Kensworth, Whipsnade & Studham
Individual parish council websites (where available) can be reached by clicking on the names aboves.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Family home for sale

Just in case anyone was looking for a bit more space without moving too far from this area:
Story courtesy of Luton On Sunday

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Temporary closure of footpath no.7, Caddington

A section of public footpath which crosses Caddington Golf Club is scheduled for temporary closure from 02 June 2014; this is being implemented for safety reasons during the ongoing works and an alternative route will remain open.

Further details, including a map, can be found on the CBC website.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Dunstable Road, Caddington - roadworks update

Some people have commented on recent works in Caddington, specifically that the patching works do not appear to have been sealed and hence a fear that they would deteriorate quickly.

It has now been confirmed that the intention is still to surface dress Dunstable Road in the near future.  The patching works were preparation in advance of this top coating being laid, they were not intended to be a standalone repairs as the permanent solution.  I will provide an update when specific dates for further works are confirmed.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Dog attacks, Caddington

Some of you may be aware of recent tragic events in Caddington.

The Police are trying to collate a picture of attacks in recent years, and whether the same owner / animals may have been involved on more than one occasion.

If you or your pet has been attacked by other dogs in Caddington, please contact me in confidence via e-mail at or by telephone 0300 300 8523.