
Caddington ward covers the six parishes of Hyde, Slip End, Caddington, Kensworth, Whipsnade & Studham
Individual parish council websites (where available) can be reached by clicking on the names aboves.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Street maintenance, Slip End

Summer Street, Slip End
Summer Street and New Street in Slip End are scheduled for carriageway maintenance works.

The work is planned to take place in two parts.  Removal of the existing surface and application of a new base will take place over a period of up to four days commencing 07 November; the top surface will then be laid and the lining reinstated over two days commencing 24 November.

In each case, works are scheduled between 08:00 and 18:00.  There is also the usual caveat with advance notifications that dates are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

A letter is being distributed to affected residents with the above information and the answers to some frequently asked questions.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Halloween - a message from Bedfordshire Police

Via Ringmaster:

With Halloween just around the corner, Bedfordshire Police has launched a series of posters to remind parents, guardians and youngsters to stay safe during the festivities.

The four posters – which can be downloaded from our website - offer hints and tips to ‘Trick or Treaters’ as well reminding people that not everyone enjoys Halloween as much as others. There are also posters for shop owners to place in their windows advising that eggs and flour will be sold at their discretion as well as a poster for residents who may not want callers at their door.

Officers have already been to schools around Bedfordshire to hand out posters and it is hoped that the campaign will ensure that all residents enjoy October 31 without causing distress to those who do not want to participate.

During this time of year, the police take many extra complaints about Halloween-related activities. Some of these are about noise or general “high spirits” – but often the fun has degenerated into serious inconvenience and outright criminal activity.

Activities such as throwing eggs, flour and water bombs at other people or their property are, at the least, frightening for those who are subjected to it and at worst can mean the police investigating crimes such as assault.

Coupled with the onset of Bonfire night, Halloween can also mean extra problems with fireworks being thrown or used irresponsibly. It’s worth bearing in mind that letting off fireworks near the road is actually a criminal offence.

To help reduce these types of incidents Bedfordshire Police will have a number of extra patrols in operation across the county to make sure that everyone has a good time whilst staying safe.

For more advice about Halloween please visit

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Witnesses Sought To Fatal Road Traffic Collision

Bedfordshire Police Logo Via Ringmaster:

Roads Policing officers are appealing for witnesses to come forward after a motorcyclist died in a Road Traffic Collision on the B4540 road in Whipsnade yesterday (October 18 2014).

The incident happened at around 5:15pm when the rider of a Honda motorcycle and the driver of a black Skoda Yeti collided.

Emergency Services attended but the rider of the motorcycle, a male in his 20’s, was pronounced dead at the scene.

PC Andy Ralph from the Roads Policing Unit is investigating the incident and would like to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time of the collision and may have seen what happened. If you have any information about this RTC please contact PC Andy Ralph at Bedfordshire Police on 101, quoting ISR 291 18/9/14.

Alternatively you can contact the independent crime fighting charity, Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Figures not a 'political football'

The following letter has been published in today's Luton On Sunday:

Luton on Sunday 14-Oct-2014

This follows on from the previous piece referred to on this blog, and Cllr Taylor's subsequent 'apology', a statement which looked and sounded very much like it had been written by someone else and he had been ordered to say it.

The "genuine mistake in a live interview" excuse just doesn't hold up when he was given a chance to retract or correct the statement (but chose to stand by it) and he also chose to STILL stand by his original statement when the quote was followed up by print journalists.  As I have said before, this is not really about the busway figures themselves but the worrying arrogance of a stance that it is okay to lie if it gets you what you what.  Even the "apology" would appear to be based on a lie as the "genuine mistake" line is a bit of spin that doesn't stand up to the slightest scrutiny.

Let us also not forget that another member of this merry bunch gave a Parliamentary committee a straight answer ("No") to a straight question about whether their Council had walked away from previous negotiations at an advanced stage and then had to issue a 'clarification' only minutes later.