
Caddington ward covers the six parishes of Hyde, Slip End, Caddington, Kensworth, Whipsnade & Studham
Individual parish council websites (where available) can be reached by clicking on the names aboves.

Monday, 3 November 2014

CBC resurfacing programme for November 2014

Sites in Slip End (as per earlier blog piece), Hyde and Caddington are scheduled for various works this month.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

October crime figures

Summarized figures from Bedfordshire Police

One of the two burglaries in Hyde concerned dog kennels being broken into; gun dogs had been stolen, one of which has been recovered and with a named offender.

Studham had only one recorded crime during October, plus two incidences of anti-social behaviour.

Kensworth continues to see persistent problems with issues like vehicle crime and criminal damage and Caddington's problems with domestic burglary remain.